A New Hope… 

While we’re still all reeling from the closure of Radio Free Fedi, there has been a big ray of light in the last few weeks, the integration between Bandwagon and The Indie Beat Radio.

To explain why I’m so excited about this, though, I’ll have to take a bit of time out to talk about the current state of affairs for Fediverse-related independent music artists. And, while I’m excited, I still have some concerns that will need to be resolved over time.

This is a long and rambling read – feel free to skip to the last bit to get to the best part!

Too much music?

In some ways it’s never been a better time for independent music artists trying to get their creations out into the world. You can buy professional quality production tools for your home computer, and for a small fee you can upload your music to global distributors who will put it on all the major services – Spotify, Deezer, Tidal, YouTube and many more. Suddenly the whole world can easily create, publish, and access music.

The trouble with this is, of course, the whole world is now creating and publishing music, and listening to music has become much more commoditised . No more need for personal recommendations before you spend your hard-earned pocket money at Woolworths when you can stream the whole catalogue of human musical knowledge at the push of a button. Music is now ‘consumed’, not listened to – algorithmically generated playlists ensure you always have something you like in the background – never too challenging, never too different, but just fresh enough to keep you interested. All for the affordable cost of one album purchase per month.

With millions of tracks out there, how do you get yours heard? And perhaps more importantly for some, how do you make any money out of the process? The streaming services were never great for paying their artists, and recent changes by the likes of Spotify have left smaller artists receiving no money at all for their efforts. Add into the mix the rise of AI-generated tunes, and playlists stuffed with specially-created background muzak, and the attraction dims further. For the majority of independent musicians, even some relatively well-known ones, the cost of creating and distributing is now likely to be more than the earnings from these services.

What do we need?

Assuming an artist is already able to produce their own music to an acceptable standard, there are a number of things they need.

  • A way to distribute the content online, so fans can hear it
  • A way for fans to pay for access to streaming, downloads or physical media, so they can earn money
  • One or more ways for music fans to find them in the first place

Alongside these are other concerns

  • Can I retain some control over where my music is heard?
  • Is my music going to played next to Nazi content?
  • Will I get fairly credited for my work?

Concept Definitions

Let’s give these concepts some names, so we can refer to them later. Yes, there’s likely some missing – e.g. physical merchandising, live performances – but these cover the ground I want to talk about for now.


Getting my stuff out there for streaming and downloading


Make sure my name (and ideally links) are clearly visible next to my distributed tracks.


A way for listeners to find my stuff amidst everyone else’s


A way for people to pay for my stuff


Control over how and where my material is used


Knowing that the space I put my content in has some form of moderation or vetting over other people who share it, so I’m not next to Nazis.

How do existing services stack up?

Let’s look at some examples.

Streaming services

Well, the major streaming services are great for distribution, and maybe for discovery if you’re lucky enough (or know the right people) to get onto a major playlist. They’re not too bad for attribution as long as you don’t share your name with another artist.

Where they fall down is payment as they’re not paying small artists at all, and trust as you have no idea who will be next to you on a playlist. An advert for a right-wing extremist podcaster? Who knows!


For several years now, Bandcamp has been a beacon of light in the fog, providing a fair way for artists to upload and sell their content and merchandise, taking only a (relatively small) cut – and none at all on Bandcamp Fridays.

It has some means of discovery with the blogs and featured artists, and a good search engine. It provides distribution and payment features.

However two recent transfers of ownership in the last few years have left users with major concerns – the latest owners fired most of the editorial staff writing the discovery articles, and the trust aspect has never been especially clear.

Also, while artist features helps the few lucky ones, it still isn’t a great discovery mechanism for the bulk of smaller artists out there, who still need to rely on other outlets to attract new listeners.

Post-Bandcamp Explosion

With decreasing trust that Bandcamp will remain the best option, a number of alternatives have sprung up over the last 12-18 months.


Faircamp is a static site generator specifically for audio files. For anyone with a small amount of technical knowledge it provides a very quick way to get your music onto a website, where people can listen and download. It solves the distribution problem very well. Trust and consent are baked-in as you own your own site.

Payments aren’t quite so simple, but there are soft barriers where you can link to external payment providers,

The big problem is discovery – one personal website on its own is never going to be found organically. I created the Faircamp Web Ring to try to help with this – and it’s definitely better than nothing – but it’s a drop-in-the-ocean of the web.

Bandcamp alternatives

A whole slew of sites have appeared attempting to recreate something similar to a Bandcamp experience – so many that it’s getting hard to keep track.

Each of these has some minor advantages over the others – Mirlo has spent some time setting up a cooperative to ensure there’s no corporate downsides, and their music upload process is a dream. Ampwall seems to have worked out a long-term sustainable pricing model (but at the expense of artists!). Others have their strengths as well – jam.coop is open source and cooperatively owned, Subvert has some experienced people behind it.

These all look at things from the artists point of view – trying to give artists exactly what they want and need. Which is great.. except… they all solve the same problems while missing some of the others.

They are good for distribution and payment, some are good at consent, allowing you to specify a licence for each track. Trust is a bit of an unknown but the cooperative natures point to good things there.


Where they all fall down is that they’re forgetting about the listeners – i.e. discovery. Each one of them is an island, walled in from the rest of the web. None of them are (currently) looking outwards – and unless one of them reaches a “critical mass” size where they’ll become a known destination for listeners, they’re really nothing more than a slightly bigger Faircamp instance.

Also, for an artist, the proliferation of these sites presents a very real problem – do you put your music on all of them? That’s a big undertaking as uploading music takes time. If not, which ones do you pick?!

Perhaps the area is ripe for someone to come up with a meta-distribution platform that pushes albums out to all these services in one go – but then what’s the point? The same 200 artists appear on 6 different sites but no-one is listening or buying?

The limited amount of money available gets split between all the service providers, further diluting the pot – someone has to pay the hosting fees. Sadly, I predict most of these sites won’t be around in a year or two, as they just don’t have enough of a business model to cover their basic costs. But I hope I’m wrong.

The hard truth

The hard truth is: no casual listener is going to hunt across a myriad of tiny sites, each with a few hundred artists, to find their latest music fix. No matter how good your tagging or search engine is, if no-one is on your site, it’s not getting used.

I’m afraid that, with the best will in the world, I don’t believe any of these newer sites are going to hit a big enough critical mass to draw listeners in their own right. Even Bandcamp struggles a bit with this and they’re about as big as this model will bear – most folks out there won’t have heard of it.

Nothing is going to improve this situation unless we can bring new listeners to the music.

So what can we do?!

Clearly the distribution and payment parts are not the hard bit, as we’ve got a number of options here. The biggest thing is discovery, and it’s important not to forget that trust part here as well.

Let’s talk about discovery

How do people find music? Well, I can only speak for myself.


Historically listening to the radio has been a big part of it for me. While most British people my age will tell you John Peel was the go-to source – for me it was always the late great Annie Nightingale on a Sunday night, following the chart show – she played a whole range of eclectic but not-too-far-out music, introducing me to many artists I’d have never met before.

Nowadays mainstream radio has fragmented so much, and is controlled by the record labels to a large extent, especially in the US, that it suffers the same issues as the major streaming services – there’s no outlet for independent artists. (having said that, in the UK, it’s still worth tuning into BBC 6 Music from time to time – they’ve even played some Fediverse artists like Socool and Lehto!!).

Since I’ve joined the Fediverse, radio has again become a great source – (the also late, lamented) Radio Free Fedi opened my eyes to the wealth of talent out there in the Fediverse, for whom this is all about. The vast majority of music purchases I’ve made in the last 18 months have been artists I discovered this way. Something about listening to a great mix of stuff, and finding the ones that stand out, really works for me.

Magazines and Blogs

I also used to subscribe to Q Magazine (yes I know, how.. middle-of-the-road of me..) which was a great way to stay abreast of new releases.

These days that niche is filled by review websites – also struggling with corporatisation and control by the record companies. Pitchfork was recently folded into GQ, for reasons no-one fully comprehends!

There is some movement here – a new site Hearing Things is starting up, staffed by some folks who’ve been around for a while – but it’s early days yet.

Mixtapes, Podcasts and Compilations

Another great way to discover new artists is for someone else with good taste to find them for you.

Some great new examples of that in the Fediverse include AudioInterface and NHAM who both feature fedi artists.

Hot off the press: I’m told that NHAM will soon join the AudioInterface stable as well, which is great news!

Historically, record labels have put out compilation albums to help promote their artists, and more recently our own BonkWave compilations may (possibly?) have helped expose some folks who wouldn’t otherwise have been heard – they’ve certainly helped forge connections and build a community.

You still have to lead listeners to the compilation or mixtape or podcast in the first place, although this is likely an easier job than trying to get them to use a walled-in service like Mirlo or Ampwall.

Competitions and Challenges

The annual Fedivision Song Contest has been a great way to discover fedi artists. It’s getting quite big though, and hard for the organisers to manage (and tough to listen to all the entries when there’s so many!) so I don’t know how sustainable this will be into the future without some evolution of the format.

Many artists enjoy a challenge and there are several of these through the year. Currently in progress at the time of writing, #jamuary involves writing a track every day (or as often as you can) throughout the month of January. Following the hashtag on Mastodon will show you a lot of interesting music, and there are others throughout the year – try #looptober in October. Weekly challenges can be found on #weeklyBeats and #songAWeek hashtags.

Artists directories

With artists scattered all over the web, even if someone finds a new artist on a radio show or a podcast, they still need to be able to track them down. Listeners might also want to be sure they’re not giving money to someone with hateful views.

Here’s where a curated artist directory comes in – and hopefully the legacy of Radio Free Fedi is providing a good start on this with Independent Artist Support Community which is based on the old artists roster for the station.

Bandwagon and The Indie Beat Radio

So, that’s a lot of words to get to the point Keef, what are you trying to say, and why are you so excited??


When Ben Pate’s Bandwagon first arrived, I was initially excited by the fact it was federated, this means it’s part of the wider Fediverse ecosystem including Mastodon, Pixelfed and so on. I was one of the first (if not the first?) artists on the site. It felt like one of these sites was finally able to think outside of a closed box – to link in with other places.

But, I have to say I didn’t really use it very much – the federated part turned out to be a bit less valuable (or less usable) than I imagined. (I think it needs more features – can talk about that elsewhere!) Apart from that it’s just like another Mirlo et al for distributing music – good, but not offering anything new – and I already have a Mirlo account.

What changed my mind was the integration with The Indie Beat Radio, and in particular the granular consent model that was introduced as a part of this.

The Indie Beat Radio Integration

Just as Radio Free Fedi was closing down, and with very little fanfare, a newcomer arrived on the scene – MizKirsten’s Indie Beat Radio. I was initially very sceptical – there were, and still are, some unique features of Radio Free Fedi which will be hard to replicate, and this station didn’t seem to do that. However it didn’t make any claims to be a successor, or replacement, for RFF.

The model is to funnel music directly from Bandwagon, through a technical integration.

Any artist on Bandwagon can simply tick a box which says “Distribute to these indie streaming services” and their tracks will be included. Even better, there are specific checkboxes so you can pick and choose which services to distribute to. Currently only the Indie Beat is available, but the fact they’ve left space for more shows a truly exciting direction of travel.

Why is this so exciting?

Well, it’s a fantastic demonstration of the art of the possible.

Imagine if every music distribution site – Mirlo, jam.coop, Ampwall, Subvert and more – all added a feature like this.

Imagine if many discovery mechanisms – radio stations, podcasts, compilation compilers – maybe even record labels?! – signed up as distribution targets.

Suddenly the walls tumble down. it doesn’t matter which platform an artist initially publishes music to, because they can integrate with all the discovery sites!

Imagine a future where listeners can choose from a huge range of tailored radio stations and podcasts, who have their pick of indie artists, all of whom have given explicit consent for their content to be used via a checkbox in Bandwagon, or wherever else!

The artist sites can cater for the artists, the listener sites can cater for the listeners, and integrations join everything up in the middle! How good is that?!!


There are still some concerns to be addressed. I don’t think they’re insurmountable – but they need some work and effort.


This is in the works, but it’s still not trivial to link back to an artist from the Indie Beat site (some of the external players do allow this, however – e.g. Lime Bar’s TIBR Roku app has a QR code with the link).

The information is already there, in the form of a link back to the artist’s Bandwagon, so it’s a case of exposing it to the end user somehow.


Possibly the biggest driving factor behind Radio Free Fedi was safety – the trust factor that every artist on the station had been vetted, approved – there was no danger that your music would play alongside someone promoting racist genocide.

To fix this for the Bandwagon/TIBR integration will take some thought and human effort. I know Ben is already thinking about moderation features for Bandwagon, which will absolutely help – but those features will need moderators to use them, and clear policies – all the things every federated Mastodon instance has had to learn over the years.

The trust part is possibly the hardest of all the factors I listed above to achieve. Both Bandwagon and TIBR are only just starting down that road, and need a clearer roadmap to inspire confidence in this area.


Another big piece of Radio Free Fedi was the curation – it wasn’t just a wild feed of everything out there. Tracks were hand-picked, by a human, to ensure they wouldn’t blow your ears off, they weren’t too long, and, in some cases were ‘comfy’ enough for shock-free listening.

The Indie Beat’s “Everything” channel is tantalisingly close to the discovery service RFF used to be, I’ve already found one artist through there. But the firehose of everything can lead to some less-than-optimal combinations. The other day, for example, I ended up listening to a 30 minute piece of extreme noise following 10 minutes of ambient noodling, which doesn’t make for the easiest listening experience.

To start to address this: MizKirsten has some big plans for curated channels and mixtapes – for example the new Not What I Call Radio Bonk Wave station. This is managed by me (disclaimer!) but curated by the community at bonkwave.org, so we can ensure only music that may, or may not, be Bonk Wave gets played.

This begins to show what we could have – but one of the joys of RFF was the variety. A selection of highly curated genre-specific stations, however good, isn’t quite the same.

I don’t know if we’ll ever get that back, but I do know that I’m a lot more optimistic about the future of this space than I was a few months ago when I first heard about RFF shutting down.

Here’s to the future!


source:Key 13

That’s Not Bonk Wave! 

“What is Bonk Wave? What is not Bonk Wave? What does Bonk Wave mean to you? Does it matter?”

On July 31st, 2023, Yoni Den launched an open call for submissions for Not What I Call Bonk Wave Volume 001, a “proposed compilation of music that may or may not be Bonk Wave”.


Just ten days earlier, the term Bonk Wave had been born out of frustration with the Genre Police, a bunch of online folks who ‘gatekeep’ certain genres of electronic music to within tiny niches that seemingly only they could tell apart. “That’s Not Bonk Wave!” they would say.

Within hours of that initial post, the first #BonkWave track had been imagined by Flear and posted to Mastodon.

It could have just been left there, and ended as a short-lived joke. But no…

Volume 001

Volume 001 cover art

Striking while the iron was still hot, the call for submissions went out on both the Fediverse and on some external music forums, with a deadline just 14 days away – August 13th, 2023.

Amazingly 14 tracks were created and submitted in that short time, and on the 25th August the collection was released on Bandcamp, with a “Pay What You Want” price tag. The music was an eclectic mix of electronic styles, as that was the circle Yoni Den moved in at the time. Was any of it Bonk Wave? Who knew – the compilation itself was confusingly titled “Not What I Call Bonk Wave” implying that the critics didn’t think so.

Several of the tracks made reference to the gatekeeping aspect of the original post – including Flear’s “Genre Police” and my own Key 13 track “Heretic”.

The cover art was a reference to cheap compilation albums of the past, with a few easter eggs for those who knew what to look for.

Yoni Den handled all aspects of the release – compiling the tracks, designing and drawing the artwork, writing the humorous track notes and uploading the music to Bandcamp under the guise of a fictional record label called Bonk Knob Records. (“It was right there!” said Yoni Den).

The album was an immediate success amongst the Ravenation electronic music community, and soon people were looking at that “Volume 001” part and asking “So, when’s Volume 002? Can I contribute?!”

Volume 002

Volume 002 Disc A cover art

So, just a few weeks later, a second call for submissions went out – on October 15th, 2023. Not What I Call Bonk Wave Volume 002 : Bonkwave NightsA compilation of Electronic Music which is or is not #BonkWave
only this time it’s night time

This time there was a longer deadline – submissions closed on the 15th of November, and Yoni Den was inundated – far more tracks than expected! A wider range of musicians had caught on, and although still mostly electronic in nature, the styles varied considerably across the two discs.

There were so many submissions (29 in total) that the album had to be split across two “discs” – A and B – and was released to Bandcamp on the 8th December, 2023. The cover art featured, for the first time, the character known as Bonk Wave Pig, with a natty purple suit and tie, and a mohican-style fuzz of pink hair, along with the now-characteristic neon teal-and-pink Bonk Wave lettering.

Again, Yoni Den handled everything – artwork, track notes, compiling and sequencing, releasing to Bandcamp, the lot.

Both compilations got some attention on the ‘Gimmie That Beat’ website – Volume 002 was top of their December charts, and two of the discs made their top ten for 2023.

BonkWave AllStars and Bonksmas

With the momentum still high from the Volume 002 release, AxWax put out a call for collaborators on a Christmas single.

Within just a few days, on December the 22nd 2023, We Wish You A Merry Bonksmas arrived, under the new “BonkWave AllStars” banner. This release featured a host of musicians, many of whom had not contributed to either of the previous compilations, and ensured the year ended on a high point.

Passing the torch

The work to put the Volume 002 release out, and perhaps the resulting attention on Mastodon, had taken its toll, and on the 4th Jan 2024, Yoni Den, uncomfortable with the responsibility of what had now become quite a big thing, reached out to resign the unofficial post of ‘CEO’ for Bonk Knob Records.

The intention was that the Bonk Wave movement should continue – “We did something really great, and I hope it is just the beginning” – but it would need new hands to take it forward.

Luckily AxWax stepped up to pick up the reins in the short term, with the understanding that the ‘CEO’ role would likely rotate, and control shouldn’t ever be concentrated in one person.

Waves of Bonk

Conscious that Mastodon wasn’t proving the easiest way to coordinate releases, and also that several contributors to the first two volumes weren’t even on the Fediverse, we discussed moving to a different platform.

The first step was to try a Matrix room, and so AxWax set up Waves of Bonk, on Jan 10th 2024. This started off really well, with some lively discussions, but we failed to get some of the contributors to join, especially those outside the Fediverse. Matrix is also a bit.. quirky.. and some folks struggled a bit with the client software.

It did form the spark for a few new ideas, however – discussions included the concept of a new remix album, based on tracks from the first 2 compilations. We also discussed the image2midi software that Yonder created, and I subsequently turned into a webapp for easier use. At one point there was even talk of a compilation of these – but that didn’t happen.


Deeper discussion was held around the future of any Bonk Wave infrastructure or community – should we set up an alternative to Bandcamp? – several of us had recently set up Faircamp sites so that looked like a good idea. If we did set something up, it should be robust, without reliance on one person. We also discussed the fact we were seen as an electronic music community, which perhaps wasn’t exactly the case, and might be excluding some folks.

The BonkBoard logo in neon pink and teal

What evolved eventually was the idea of an old school forum for discussion purposes, and a Faircamp site under the same banner for current and future releases. Across late January 2024 I set up the bonkwave.org domain, and AxWax configured a Simple Machines Forum to run on it, which I installed into some web hosting space I already had, and wasn’t using for much. This was the start of The BonkBoard, which launched for real on the 3rd of February, 2024.


When it came to the Faircamp site we hit a bit of an issue – it wasn’t clear what licences the original compilations had been released under – artists had given their tracks freely under the assumption it would be on Bandcamp. Could we just copy everything to our own Faircamp?

We decided to reach out and get explicit permission from all the artists, which still remains an issue to this day. We got rapid responses with full permission from (nearly) all the Fediverse artists but many of the non-Fedi artists just didn’t reply to the emails, which is such a shame. We’ve left their tracks off the Faircamp site for now – you can still get them for free on Bandcamp. If any of you ever read this – please let us know if you’re OK duplicating your tracks!

I still don’t know if we made the right decision or not – but it feels better not to re-use material without clear permission. For each subsequent release we’ve established clear licensing per track, and the submission statement from Volume 003 onwards allows “Bonk Knob Records” a limited, non-exclusive distribution right so we can, in future, move to new hosting services as required.

Be My BonkWave

Somewhere in the middle of all this activity, AxWax found the time to coordinate a second collaborative release as BonkWave AllStars – and Be My BonkWave became the first new release on the shiny new Faircamp site, just in time for Valentine’s Day 2024.

Meanwhile, the BonkBoard forum was getting a few new joiners, but we hadn’t (and have still not) attracted anyone outside the Fediverse. Discussion was slow.


Somewhere on the Matrix chat we’d started discussing a remix album. It turns out that, back in February, Ordos Mk.0 and Socool had already remixed each other’s tracks from the Volume 002 compilation, and were ready to go.

On March 8th, 2024, Ordos Mk.0 put out a call for submissions for the remix compilation on the BonkBoard. The tentative release date was set for April 26th, to give everyone time to finish.

We didn’t know it at the time, but the creative process for this release would start to point the way forward to the future. Over the next few weeks, several people contributed. The cover art was started by DockBunson and finished by Ordos Mk.0. The decision was taken to master all the tracks together, and Socool stepped up to the plate to do that. Track notes and sequencing was done as a joint exercise on a Google spreadsheet set up by n3wjack. We decided to remix the original compilation title as well, and came up with Not Bonk What I Call Wave: Remixes – with the cover art cleverly arranged so you could still read it as “Not What I Call Bonk Wave”.

Cover art for the Remixes album

A few artists were struggling to find time to finish their remixes so by the 10th May 2024 we decided to release what we had, 9 awesome tracks. The other remixes did come through a few weeks later, and we re-launched the album on the 21st of June, with the new material taking it up to 13 tracks. Mastering the tracks together made this the most polished release to date.

For the first time, AxWax suggested a live launch party using Radio Free Fedi’s owncast server. which was hugely successful – everyone had a great time, and it really brought the community together.

Progress? or not?

Unlike the previous compilations, which had been Yoni Den alone, suddenly we had a team of people working together on their own initiative, spreading the workload. To me, at least, this really felt like a big step forwards. But I was conscious we’d had a submission period open for three months, and only had 13 tracks, which wasn’t a lot compared to the previous compilation with a far shorter submission deadline.

Was the bonk flame flickering a little?

An anniversary

As July 2024 came round, I was aware we’d be heading for the first year anniversary of Yoni Den’s original Bonk Wave post. It felt like we should do something to commemorate this – so I set up a call for a secret collaboration on Mastodon, on July 3rd, using the BonkWave AllStars banner again. I checked, and double checked, the date on Yoni Den’s post – 22nd July 2023, and set aim to release on that day.

I got more contributions than I could handle and the resulting patchwork of production ended up as Happy Bonk Day, featuring a fabulous lineup of musicians. This was very different from anything we’d done before, as it skewed more towards rock than electronica. The release was completed by alternative versions from sknob and AxWax

We had everything ready to go for the 22nd, then, on the 21st, 55aw suddenly announced the anniversary! I was stunned. The original post had been past midnight in my local timezone (UK), so was technically showing as the 22nd to me, but in US timezones was on the 21st.

So I hurriedly rushed out the release on the 21st, amending the cover art appropriately.


While putting together Happy Bonk Day, we’d already been discussing what to do about another compilation. AxWax wanted to attract more musicians outside the electronic genre, so we came up with the idea of a 2-disc compilation Bonked and Unbonked where, we assumed, acoustic musicians would feel more comfortable on the Unbonked disc.

The release of the single was a good time to put out the submission call, so on July 23rd 2024 I put a post up on the BonkBoard, and a link on Mastodon.

Remembering that we’d allowed nearly 3 months for the Remixes album, and only had 13 submissions, I wasn’t expecting much. We set the submission deadline for 2 months time – 25th September – just to make sure we had enough submissions for at least one disc.

I may have been a tad pessimistic. The eventual Volume 003 release had 48 tracks, spanning 3 discs! You can read all about how it was put together here. We split the release across 4 weeks, with Disc A on 25th October, Disc B on the 8th of November, and Disc C on the 22nd of November 2024.

Suddenly the future seems pretty Bonky!

Sexy bonk wave pig

Bonk Wave was, is, and will always be

Getting a bit more philosophical as 2024 comes to an end.

The Volume 003 release has shown that we’ve come together as an awesome, supportive, creative community of artists. It was still a lot of hard work to get Volume 003 over the line, but the lessons learned will make the next one easier – and there will be a next one. There’s already discussion about a second remix album happening now – it’s currently visible to contributors only – but give us a shout on the BonkBoard if you want to take part. The call for Volume 004 won’t be too far into 2025.

As we grow, we’re going to need to get a little more formal about some things – perhaps developing a written Code of Conduct for the forum that everyone can agree on, solidifying/clarifying/standardising the submission guidelines and expanding the moderation team. Hopefully we can do this without changing the way everything works now – robust conversations and strong opinions are the nature of the beast, but we can still keep it civil.

I also want to be clear, we still don’t know what is, or is not, Bonk Wave. And there’s a few things that are implied by that.

  1. If we don’t know what Bonk Wave is, we can’t own it, or copyright it.
  2. We do own, collectively, this pseudo-record-label called Bonk Knob Records, and we have a great community around the bonkwave.org website, but none of this implies ownership of Bonk Wave.
  3. We should never forget where this comes from. How can any of us say, with a straight face, “That’s Not Bonk Wave!” to someone else, when there’s no clear definition of what it is?
  4. There have been, and will be, people who use the term outside of our core group. Maybe even to make money out of it. We can’t stop them. Should we even try? It doesn’t feel right, unless they’re actively trying to disrupt what we’re doing.
  5. There’s probably little point in getting angry at people trying to rip off the idea, as there’s very little we can do about it. If we keep doing what we do, and do it well, they will all fade away. Or join us!
  6. And we will still reap the same benefits we do now – which is, no money, but a great sense of belonging!


In the end, we’re all just Bonk Dust.


source:Key 13

Not What I Call Bonk Wave – Volume 003 – Thank you all! 

NWICBW3 Disc A Album Cover

I intend to use this blog to talk about Key 13 music, processes, history, influences, and how the Fediverse has had such a dramatic effect. And maybe I’ll write a bit more about how this Volume 003 release came together, from my perspective – but today it’s not about me, it’s time to thank the cast of thousands that helped get the latest Bonk Knob Records release over the line.

Forty Artists!

First and foremost, forty individual artists poured their heart and soul into creating 48 tracks for this release, which was more than the total number of tracks from all the previous releases combined!

All of them gave their work for free – so, if you can, please follow the links to their own sites available on the track notes pages, and show them some support.

NWICBW3 Disc B Album Cover


I put out a call for someone to help with the artwork quite early on in the process, before we knew how many discs there would be. Thankfully several of the featured musicians answered the call, and then worked together to create the art you see today.

Traiken drew the main characters – the robot, chameleon, and Elizabethan Frog – first as rough line art, then gradually evolving into what you see on the final versions.

Desolation Park came up with a number of options for the lettering and typography, which the BonkBoard community voted on.

Ordos Mk.0 added several versions of the Bonk Wave Pig ‘mask’ which you can see in the robot’s screen on Disc A, and in the background on Disc B – and has subsequently been used a lot in the launch party shows.

Track Notes

For the album track notes, fastachee, n3wjack and AmbientSpace collaborated on a shared document to make these happen – if you haven’t read through them, please do, while listening – they really enhance the experience!

One of the usually thankless tasks is sorting through the artist links and putting together those track notes pages – and here we have to thank Refrigerator for sorting the fediverse links out, and the always-inspiring socool for the painstakingly boring task of creating the HTML pages.

NWICBW3 Disc C Album Cover


The biggest headache of all was how to master 48 tracks.

When I first put out the submission call, I had no idea if anyone would submit at all – I had visions of a 6-10 track release, with little fanfare. When Ordos Mk.0 put out the call for the previous remixes release, we’d asked submitters to send in unmastered tracks for the first time – and socool helpfully mastered them, as there were only 9 to start with, plus another 4 added in a later batch. So it felt OK to do the same for this release – and we’d sort out the mastering between us later – or, worst case, just pay someone to do a few for us.

However, when 48 tracks turned up, we had a problem – there was no way to afford paying someone else, and it’s a huge task for one person to take on. I had a go myself, but it’s not my core strength. Luckily Ordos Mk.0 stepped up and did the lion’s share of the work, without which there would literally not have been a release – so huge, huge thanks deserved there.


With 48 tracks, the next issue was how to divide them up and what order to put them in – I did the initial division into the three discs, with a tentative order. Then, as the mastering proceeded, Ordos Mk.0 tweaked the sequencing to refine it further – especially for disc C.

A number of other folks helped out with listening, advice on the sequencing etc – specifically n3wjack, Default Media Transmitter and sknob.

Launch Parties

I think we would all agree that the live streamed launch parties were a fantastic success! So much positivity and love, what an amazing experience. But a lot of work goes into making these happen.

First up: thanks to Radio Free Fedi for hosting the first live stream.

Next: to AxWax for putting together the first set of visuals and getting us up and running.

When we came to the second party, RFF was in a less-than-optimal place having just started the shutdown process, so we decided to spin up our own server – AxWax had already got a test server from before, so between us we used the same template to spin up a new one, which just about survived the onslaught! Thanks to everyone from the BonkBoard who helped out testing the robustness of the server one weekday evening before the stream!

And of course, for the second two parties, the awesome James Hastings stepped in to do the visuals – with very different scenes between Disc B and Disc C, both fitting the music and the mood perfectly. It takes a lot of time to prepare and run these, so huge thanks to both AxWax and James for this.

I nearly forgot – both Traiken and Flear made some animated videos based off the cover art to use as part of the video stream for the launch party – Flear in particular managing to animate Traiken’s robot really effectively!

Finally, thanks to owncast for providing such a great piece of software.

Everything else

Special thanks go to AxWax for putting up with my incessant chat messages while we were putting this whole thing together.

We wouldn’t be here at all if Yoni Den hadn’t started the whole Bonk Wave thing, so whichever space pathways they find themselves on now, we will always be in their debt.


And finally, don’t forget you can download and stream all three amazing releases, along with the previous volumes, completely for free from any of these places:


source:Key 13

Modding my Monotron Delay

Monotron Mod

I made a first attempt at adding CV in and an external power supply to a Korg Monotron Delay:

For the power I simply used an external power bank and connected 5V and GND to the respective pins on the Monotron.

5v and GND on the Monotron Delay

The 5V CV signal from the Korg SQ-1 goes into the gate pad on the Monotron. It kind of works, but tuning is quite tempera(ture)mental.

GND and gate pads on the Monotron Delay

Apart from temperature the pitch is directly dependent on the Monotron’s supply voltage, so I would either need to step down the USB voltage to ~3V and make use of the boost converter that is built into the Monotron to get 5V, or use a higher voltage power supply and regulate it down. Any idea what’s better?🤔

TM1638 LED&KEY based MIDI visualiser on the Raspberry Pi Pico

MIDI visualiser

This evening I had some fun with @diyelectromusic‘s SimpleMIDIDecoder MicroPython library and the TM1638 LED&KEY module. The display shows MIDI channel and note number and the LEDs light up depending on velocity.

This is running on the Raspberry Pi Pico and also requires mcauser’s TM1638 library.
Here’s the (slightly rushed) code:

# MIDI note visualiser for Raspberry Pi Pico and TM1638 LED&KEY module by @AxWax
# Demo: https://twitter.com/AxWax/status/1480659594342899713
# This is heavily based on and requires
# the SimpleMIDIDecoder library by @diyelectromusic, which can be found at
# https://diyelectromusic.wordpress.com/2021/06/13/raspberry-pi-pico-midi-channel-router/
# as well as the MicroPython TM1638 LED Driver library by mcauser from
# https://github.com/mcauser/micropython-tm1638
# Wiring:
# serial midi input on GP1 (UART0 RX)
# TM1638 Pico
# VCC 3v3
import machine
import time
import ustruct
import SimpleMIDIDecoder
from time import sleep_ms
from machine import Pin
import tm1638
# Initialise the LED & Key
tm = tm1638.TM1638(stb=Pin(4), clk=Pin(3), dio=Pin(2))
# Initialise the serial MIDI handling
uart = machine.UART(0,31250)
# MIDI callback routines
def doMidiNoteOn(ch, cmd, note, vel):
tm.show("C."+str(ch)+" N."+str(note)+" ")
if vel == 0:
elif vel <= 16:
elif vel <= 32:
elif vel <= 48:
elif vel <= 64:
elif vel <= 80:
elif vel <= 96:
elif vel <= 112:
def doMidiNoteOff(ch, cmd, note, vel):
tm.show("C."+str(ch)+" N."+str(note)+" ")
def doMidiThru(ch, cmd, d1, d2):
if (d2 == -1):
md = SimpleMIDIDecoder.SimpleMIDIDecoder()
md.cbNoteOn (doMidiNoteOn)
md.cbNoteOff (doMidiNoteOff)
md.cbThru (doMidiThru)
# the loop
while True:
# Check for MIDI messages
if (uart.any()):

Displays on the Raspberry Pi Pico

1602 LCD with Raspberry Pi Pico

I spent longer than I care to admit on failing to get either a TM1638 LED, an SH1106 OLED or a 1602 LCD to work with my Pico. Turns out one of my jumper wires had an intermittent fault 🤦
After a wire transplant everyone is finally happy!

Kevin the MQTT Owl

Kevin started his life when my then flatmate found him in a bargain bin for 25p. Once the inbuilt button cell battery had depleted she let me have a play with it.

I removed the battery holder, rewired the eye LEDs, built a circuit board consisting of an ESP8266 and a DFPlayer Mini MP3 Player and hot-glued a speaker where the battery holder used to be.

Initially I simply hooked him up to our doorbell, whose 433MHz signal gets converted into MQTT messages through Sonoff’s RFBridge running the excellent Espurna firmware: